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Should my website be responsive ?๐Ÿ“ฑ Here's the answer✔️๐Ÿ‘

80% of your online success is to be responsive on mobile !!!๐Ÿ“ฑ๐Ÿ“ฒ 

With responsive design, you only need to design one single site – 

dynamic and fluid by nature – therefore adaptable for each different

type of device.

So Let’s take a closer look at the different Pros : 

✔️ Pro: You want to go mobile with your site? Google

recommends using responsive design! Regardless of what you 

might think of Google, when they make a recommendation 

concerning web design, it’s usually a smart thing to listen. 

✔️ Pro: You don’t need to manage multiple versions of your 

content for your desktop and mobile site, one set is all you need. 

✔️ Pro: Since you don’t need to develop and build separate 

websites, you save time and money. Please bear in mind that this 

only applies if you start from scratch. 

✔️ Pro: With a responsive site there’s no need to set up (server-

side) redirects to get mobile and desktop users to the right website. 

Redirects can be difficult and require expertise in server software 


So, you've seen what responsive design can do for your business's 

website and online visibility !!! get in touch with us on and let's make your business seen on any 

device !!! With Micromad Be Visible Be Responsive !!!

#webdesign #responsivedesign #graphicdesign #responsivewebsite

#onlinepresence #onlinesuccess #devices #mobile #bevisible

